Monday, March 2, 2009


Patagonia owing in part to its geographical isolation, more than a 1,000 miles from Buenos Aires, and its relative lack of minerals and arable land has been something of a backwater when it comes to modern fashions or current car models. The Citroën CV2 or deux chevaux vapeur, literally "two steam horses” and its big brother CV3 are still very common in the area. Almost 4 million of these French designed, affordable cars were produced between 1949-1990 at assembly plants around the world including Argentina. The CV2 was the perfect car (on and off the road) for Patagonia with its front-wheel drive, long wheelbase, adjustable road clearance and easily serviceable engine that got incredible mileage 78 km/lt or 184 miles/gal. Many CV2s can still be seen around San Martin. They inevitably bring smiles as we pass them in their various forms preservation or disrepair. To see more pictures click on Deux Chevaux.

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