Sunday, December 28, 2008


Festivities here are a little different from our customs in the States.  It is typical on Christmas Eve (Buena Noche) to have a big asado (BBQ) and roast and entire goat or lamb.  Our hosts cooked a delicious goat served with several cold salads and cakes for dessert all eaten outside. 

Dinner begins at 10:00 PM and at midnight champagne is opened to toast Navidad with hugs and kisses around the table.  Also, at midnight fireworks go off all over town even though they are against the law.  

Our hosts' son is a volunteer fireman, so he stays tuned to his radio.  Around 10 minutes after midnight he gets a call to help put out grass fires, dashing away to the nearby fire station on his bicycle. When he returns, about half an hour later, we go inside for a present exchange.

Christmas Day is spent with friends and family enjoying the leftovers from the the night before. We were invited for 1:30 PM where we enjoyed cold lamb and a large array of cold salads. Another present exchange and then a relaxing time spent in the garden under the trees.  We were home by 6:00 PM and did not need to eat anything else that day.

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